3rd Annual Nancie Payne ‘Workplace Excellence Award’

Sep 7, 2018

**UPDATE – 10/15/18

What is the award, and why should employers want to participate?

PacMtn developed the Workplace Excellence Award in honor of Nancie’s dedication to workforce, welfare, education and rehabilitation.  The award recognizes workplace excellence and customer service, meaningful employee engagement, a constructive, diverse and progressive workforce culture, and organizations that commit themselves to better business management practices to ensure successful mission achievement.

The review committee will choose up to three (3) winners; two (2) honorable mentions and one (1) grand prize of $1,000 to be used for employee development, enjoyment and acknowledgement.



This award honors the life and the work of Nancie Payne, Ph.D.  Nancie was a champion of adult special needs learning and was a sought after speaker and professional development trainer across the United States and Canada.  Nancie’s professional experience involved workforce, welfare, education and rehabilitation.

Nancie served at various levels of the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA), where she eventually became President.  She was founder and President of Payne & Associates and the Northwest Center for the Advancement of Learning.    Nancie served on the Board of Directors for Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council (PacMtn), an administrative and fiscal agent in workforce development.  Continuing her pursuit to improve the lives of individuals with learning disabilities, she was also involved in other organizations outside LDA and PacMtn including Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE), Washington State Business Leadership Network, and the Thurston County Economic Development Council.

Nancie brought her deep insight and knowledge to all of her work.  She wrote numerous articles and book chapters on facilitating learning, assessment of special needs, transition to employment and workplace accommodations.



Directions on how to fill out the Organizational Profile and Employee Survey

  1. Participating organizations can obtain the application packet by going to pacmtn.org.
  2. Management fills out Section 1: Organizational Profile (see the form below).
  3. Management provides email addresses for 30% of their staff in the Organizational Profile form (below).  This is for staff to complete the workplace survey.  This is an anonymous process; staff information will not be disclosed in the award process.  Participating staff receive the link to the survey via Survey Monkey from PacMtn.
  4. Once the application materials are complete, Organizational Profiles and Surveys merge into a completed application packet for each submitter. The review committee reviews the applications, rank applications based on the application criteria, and chooses a winner and honorable mentions (HM).
  5. Selection of award winners and HMs completed in writing. Announcement and award given in December at the 2018 Regional Expo, held at Little Creek Casino in Shelton, WA.

*Alternative to online submissions: In the event of a technical issue, or if the employer would like an alternative way to submit their materials, they can also have the opportunity to fill out the 2018 Application Introduction, Instructions and Questions in paper form by the deadline and mail it to:

Pacific Mountain WDC

Attention: Vanessa Wasman

1570 Irving St SW

Tumwater, WA 98512

Application materials and surveys are to be completed and submitted by 11:59 pm Thursday, November 15th, 2018. Winners will be notified by Monday, November 19th, 2018.


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