WIOA Driven
Regional Strategic Workforce Plan
What do our workforce and employers need to thrive now and in the future? These needs are evolving and addressing them takes the whole community. As we work to redefine our Regional Strategic Workforce Plan to best reflect our region’s needs and hopes of those who live, work, and learn in our communities, we invite you to join us.
In 2023, PacMtn will develop a Regional Strategic Workforce Plan for the next four years. This local plan will serve as a blueprint for shaping a successful future for the region’s workforce. The planning process is designed to assess the current landscape across the PacMtn region, identify opportunities, and set a clear direction for collective efforts. Our goal is to build a regional workforce development system that serves employers and job-seekers and strives to grow our economy by training workers for the jobs of tomorrow.
The local plan will serve as a guiding document that outlines priorities, objectives, and strategies for PacMtn over the next four years. It will provide a framework for decision-making, resource allocation, and collaboration across all of PacMtn’s partners. By developing this plan we can maximize the impact of our work and create sustainable pathways to prosperity for job-seekers and businesses alike.
Download 2024 -2028 Local Regional Strategic Plan
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Download Local Plan Overview
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What to expect
PacMtn believes that inclusive community engagement is vital to building a local plan that represents our region. Throughout this process, PacMtn will actively seek input from job-seekers, employers, and partners in the Regional Workforce System to understand current challenges and opportunities in our region and potential strategies or solutions to address those challenges.
July - October
Regional Community Engagement
October - December 2023
Draft Local Plan
January 2024
Public Commitment Period
February 2024
Local Plan + MOU Approved By PacMtn Board
Coordination and Realignment of Workforce Development Activities
Open Inclusive Planning Process
PacMtn has developed this WIOA-driven Strategic Plan with significant input from our Board, Sector Partners in target industries, economic development partners, secondary and vocational education partners, community based organizations serving our community members, state agencies providing public benefits, and the One-Stop Operator overseeing the local area workforce development system services.

Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Directive
PacMtn provided an open and inclusive planning process that engaged a wide range of stakeholders – including, but not limited to – employers, organizations, education and training providers, economic development community, and subpopulations and community service providers.
Attachment H provides an abbreviated outline of the engagement undertaken by PacMtn in consultation to provide input and guidance from a wide range of stakeholders in the development of this Local Integrated Service Plan. Specific steps and activities including, but not limited to, employers and labor organizations, education and training providers, economic development agencies, community-based organizations and advocates, and community service providers across multiple state and local agencies, have helped to shape this plan.
The PacMtn Board was deeply engaged in the thematic and practical objectives set forth in the Strategic Plan, and the Board composition reflects the membership categories required by WIOA. Board input has been collected during annual retreats, through subcommittee meetings and via individual member outreach. Board-defined goals and priorities provide the overarching framework for all resulting strategies.
This plan has been approved by the State of Washington Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board