Assisting New and Current Individuals
Job Seeker Services for Adults
PacMtn programs deliver innovative workforce solutions designed to be in-demand, appropriate, and effective for our diverse region. Partnering with local businesses, citizens, and community organizations, PacMtn works to strategically prepare our workforce to be successful both now and in the future.
PacMtn services include assessment of skill needs and capabilities, basic literacy skills training, job-specific training (including on-the-job and site-based training), and skills upgrades for existing employees. The culmination of these efforts is our goal of successfully matching the right job seeker with the right skills to the right job.
Resources and Services you can find below include:
- Preparation for Reentry Employment Program
- WorkSource Services
- Journey 2 Jobs
- Additional Resources
Journey 2 Jobs Program
In the summer of 2018, the City Council declared a public health emergency. Several emergency actions were taken, including opening a tiny house village and a safe camping site known as the Downtown mitigation site, helping fund an expansion at the local youth shelter, and incentivizing faith community partners to host temporary emergency housing. At the same time, the City Council recognized a more planned and coordinated long-term response would be necessary to have a lasting and sustainable impact.
In March of 2019, the City of Olympia launched the One Community project, a yearlong planning effort to find community agreement around how best to respond to the homeless crisis. At the time, homelessness in Olympia was growing dramatically. Concerns grew about the safety of individuals and the impacts on the community and the environment.
The Journey2Jobs (J2J) program is an innovative pilot program connecting Olympia’s unhoused residents with career development, employment, and training opportunities.
The J2J project builds upon the City’s One Community Plan response to homelessness. It is designed to inspire hope, offer real opportunities for work experience and skill gain, and engender community support by demonstrating commitment by unhoused neighbors to assume responsibility for their environment, and invest in their community. To ensure engagement and “buy-in” from our unhoused community residents, early engagement of the residents will help shape program elements and facilitate ownership of the J2J initiative.
Valeo Vocations
PacMtn contracted with Valeo Vocations* who has the experience in project management, career coaching and mentoring, knowledge of the public workforce development and homeless services systems, skills in partner and stakeholder engagement, and a passion for improving the lives of Olympia’s unhoused residents while expanding the City’s talent pool.
For more information about the program, please contact Sherri Jensen at Valeo or Jeannie House at PacMtn.
*Link goes to an external website
Preparation for Reentry Employment Program
The PREP (Preparation for Reentry Employment Program) provides employment preparation classes within the Thurston County Jail and employment support service during a transition in Work Release. This program serves a specific population of incarcerated individuals with case management services. Participants are referred to the program by the court system while incarcerated through the CDP (Chemical Dependency Program) in jail.
Please Note: The PREP Program is not open to the general public.
Employment classes are five weeks while in General Population at Thurston County Jail. The PREP Classes consist of:
- Master Application
- Resume Worksheet
- Cover letter Worksheet
- 60 Second Commercial
- Disclosing Background Speech
- Thank You Letter, Interview Preparation
- Job Search Techniques, Maintaining Employment, ABCs of Altering Negative Thought Process, SMART GOAL Setting, and a Transition Plan.
Once a participant is in Work Release, supportive employment services are provided to remove barriers to employment as well as provide job search assistance and sometimes co-enrollment into WIOA Adult or Youth Programs. Referrals for other community services are also provided including:
- Transitional/ Clean and Sober Housing
- Clothing Banks, Therapeutic Services
- Support groups
- Child Support Enforcement and Transportation

WorkSource Services
Each county’s WorkSource office can provide you with excellent resources to find a job or career that gives you a great sense of accomplishment. Staff members who are knowledgeable about their communities, local employers, and jobs can guide you to jobs that are currently in-demand and fields that are emerging, such as green occupations. Many of the services and programs offered are free to the public. We encourage you to visit your local WorkSource for these free services:
- Free use of computers, copiers, phones, faxes and other career resources
- Information on the fastest growing jobs and wages
- Free internet access to jobs and labor market information
- Access to Unemployment Insurance
- Classes on how to get and keep a job
- Job referrals and placement support
- Referrals to community resources
- Job search workshops
- Other services are specifically tailored to each job seeker’s situation and connecting with the WorkSource system may open up specialized resources and services depending on who you are and what you are experiencing as a job seeker.
Additional Resources
For Washington State
Self-Sufficiency Calculator
Self-Sufficiency Calculator can help you look at your overall budget. See the Self Sufficiency Standard cost-of-living approximation for your family type and where you live, and learn about resources that can assist you in planning and be making progress towards economic Self Sufficiency.
Washington State's ESD
Jobs In Demand
Jobs in Demand , a listing developed by PMWDC and based on labor market data provided by the Washington State Employment Security Department (ESD), can help you target your job search. View current job listings in the state by clicking the button below.