CEO Blog

Nov 21, 2023

EcSA Legislators’ Visit to PacMtn: Uplifting ALICE for a Stronger Community

I am excited to share the inspiring stories and meaningful discussions that unfolded during our recent “Economic Security for All (EcSA) Legislator Day.” This event provided a unique opportunity for us to engage with local legislators, sharing policy briefs, statistics, and the personal journeys of those we serve.

At Pacific Mountain, we have always believed in the power of collaboration to drive transformative change. During this event, we explored the core elements of strategic co-enrollment and delved into the ALICE program. However, it was the stories that truly encapsulated the essence of our mission.

Stephanie’s Path to Purpose and Stability
Stephanie, from Grays Harbor County, shared her incredible journey with us: “WorkSource helped me discover purpose and stability after years of feeling lost and without direction. I can’t thank them enough. The incentive program gave me specific goals to achieve, and with each milestone, I gained financial stability. It even allowed me to open a savings account. Now, I feel secure in both my present and future, and I couldn’t have accomplished it without this program’s assistance.”

Stephanie’s story illustrates the life-changing impact of our workforce development programs and collaborative efforts on individuals striving for economic self-sufficiency.

Gabriel’s Transformation: From Homelessness to Hope
Another inspiring story came from Gabriel in Grays Harbor County: “Over the past year, WorkSource has been a lifeline for me, transforming my life from homelessness to stable employment. Thanks to your organization, I not only have a steady income and a place to live, but I also feel that I’ve found my niche in the workforce; for that, I am immensely grateful.”

Gabriel’s journey showcases the incredible resilience and potential of individuals when provided with the right support and opportunities. It underscores the power of workforce development in restoring hope and dignity.

Our Collective Mission for ALICE
These stories serve as a poignant reminder that, while we discuss strategy, policy, and collaboration, at the heart of our work are individuals with dreams, hopes, and aspirations. ALICE, which stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, represents a significant portion of our community. They face formidable challenges—high living costs, limited access to quality jobs, educational and skill development barriers, and a lack of affordable healthcare and childcare.

Local businesses play a vital role in this endeavor. Their commitment to fair wages, flexible work arrangements, employee benefits, and engagement with local communities can make a significant difference in the lives of ALICE individuals.

Our discussions during the legislator’s visit underscored the pivotal role of workforce development in addressing these challenges. We explored ways to provide relevant training programs, establish clear career pathways, and offer essential support services. We also examined policy considerations, seeking to exercise local policy discretion, reduce administrative burdens, while being mindful of potential policy constraints, such as the impact of earnings and support payments from EcSA services on food assistance. Our goal is to make support more accessible and impactful for those who need it most.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated staff, partners, and local legislators for their unwavering commitment to this crucial cause. Together, we can continue to empower ALICE individuals, strengthen our communities, and build a more prosperous future for all.


William Westmoreland
CEO, Pacific Mountain Workforce Development