A Word from Juvenile Rehabilitation on MyJOB

Oct 17, 2018

The Juvenile Rehabilitation division (JR) of the Department of Social Health Services excitedly celebrates the third year of My Journey Out Beyond (MyJOB).

MyJOB is an employment pathway program delivered by Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council (PacMtn) providing workplace readiness, essential skills-building, pre-employment mentoring, and work-based learning.

The MyJOB program is a system integration made possible through a collaborative partnership between PacMtn, DSHS Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), SeaKing Workforce Development Council (SeaKing), and local school districts.

MyJOB prepares justice-involved young adults for meaningful and lasting careers.  Currently, MyJOB offers their program on the campuses of Green Hill School in Centralia, Naselle Youth Camp in Naselle, and Echo Glen Children’s Center in Snoqualmie.

All eligible students attend an orientation to gain an understanding of the program.  Students elect to receive a full menu of job readiness services that are customized based on each youth’s interests, needs, and length of time in the facility.

One of the staple services, UpLift!, is a 40-hour training that provides students with a national certificate in workplace readiness while also earning high school credit. Students increase employable skills, enhance understanding of workplace culture, and gain self-confidence in their strengths to set them above their peers.

MyJOB Specialists are key to program success. Specialists are screened and selected for their ability to work with this population of students to break down barriers and instill hope and purpose. They provide a structured curriculum with a focus on enabling authenticity, collaboration, trailblazing, integrity, and respect.

“We see great promise in the future for the young people who participate in MyJOB,” said Kathleen Harvey, Director of Community, Reentry and Parole Programs at DSHS, “It is truly inspiring how the students now see themselves in the world of work focused not only in a living wage job but also in a career pathway towards economic self-sufficiency.”

Since September 2016, 32 UpLift! classes have positively impacted more than 700 students across all three facilities. We are excited to continue this unique partnership that fosters community prosperity by developing workforce readiness in youth; empowering youth to gain a competitive edge in the job market and thrive in everyday life.

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