
The Pacific Mountain WorkForce Development Council

Who We Are

The Pacific Mountain WorkForce Development Council (PACMTN) is a nonprofit organization that is the recognized convener of regional workforce development efforts. The PacMtn Board of Directors, PacMtn Elected Official Consortium, and all staff are dedicated to the development of a workforce system that supports business, industry, and all levels of employers and job seekers.

Dedication and Innovation

Our Principles


To lead a dynamic regional workforce through collaboration and investment that enhances economic success.


A thriving region where communities, business, and industry pave the way for prosperity and economic success.


The Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council values are…

Prioritize the public’s needs in every decision and action, striving for high-quality services that
focus on seamless and effective solutions for every individual, reflecting our commitment to
enhance industry growth and sustainability.

Foster economic success across the five-county area through collaborative regional strategies
and partnerships. Align our goals and resources with those of our partners in economic
development, business, labor, and education to ensure comprehensive regional progress.

Embrace innovation and creativity as the driving forces behind our progress. Utilize feedback
from employers and job-seekers to challenge the status quo, ensuring our solutions and
strategies remain cutting-edge and impactful.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Emphasize the importance of diverse thoughts, ideas, and solutions to drive innovation and success for a demand driven region. Ensure an inclusive environment that offers equitable access to those furthest from opportunity.

Integrity and Respect
Uphold integrity, honesty, and openness, fostering an environment of personal excellence, constructive self-assessment, and continual improvement. Mutual respect is paramount, both within our organization and in our external engagements.

Continuous Improvement
Promote a culture of continuous improvement and professional development within an integrated system of partners. Leverage shared data and regular performance reviews to enhance outcomes and drive measurable improvements.

Strategic Alignment & Accountability
Align our strategies, actions, and resources toward achieving shared objectives with a commitment to accountability in our outcomes. Work collaboratively with various organization.

Leader in Workforce Solutions

What We Do

Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council (PacMtn) is the recognized convener of the region’s workforce development efforts. The PacMtn Board of Directors, PacMtn Elected Official Consortium, and all staff are dedicated to a workforce system that supports businesses, regional industry sectors, and all level of employers and job seekers. We are developing a fully integrated system of services that is efficient at meeting the community and economic needs of the region.

Community Prosperity

PacMtn oversees the local network of American Job Centers, called WorkSource. WorkSource is a demand-driven and integrated system of partners who share common goals. Our WorkSource Centers are a focal point for developing community prosperity, one job seeker and one employer at a time. Each WorkSource is committed to being a community resource and providing excellent customer service.

Labor Market and Business Employment Needs

PacMtn is a hub for gathering and disseminating information about the area’s labor market and business employment needs. We convene groups of businesses and partners to guide collaborations with training providers and fund innovative solutions for today’s workforce challenges.

Creating Pipelines

By building strategic alliances and designing innovative workforce solutions, we are creating a pipeline of skilled and talented workers prepared to meet the needs of local employers and the industries of tomorrow. Targeted employment services help job seekers explore career pathways, update skills, and gain work-related training – increasing employability, retention, and long-term earning potential. All of these efforts culminate into an integrated system that supports regional employers by supplying them with the skilled workers.

Regional WIOA Administrator

In 2014, President Barack Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) into law as the first major reform of the public workforce system in 15 years. This law creates a more streamlined workforce training and employment delivery system that seeks to increase business prosperity by supplying highly-skilled workers. The focus on business, industry, and the health of our local economy will promote economic success for individuals and our communities. At the local level, PacMtn directs program activities driven by WIOA funding.

Regional Impact Report
Strategic Plan
Sector Strategies

Serving 5 Counties

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