Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination

Non-Discrimination and Program Concerns / Complaints Equal Opportunity

WorkSource System And Program Services

The Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council (PacMtn) and the PacMtn WorkSource System partnering agencies are fully committed to providing and maintaining an environment that promotes and ensures equal opportunity, non-discrimination and equal access for all.  Our commitment goes far beyond legal compliance, consistently recognized in our agency values and working culture as exhibited in our communication, engagement practices and in the design of our service delivery programs and policies.   

Federal law and regulations require procedures for handling program complaints alleging violations of WIOA Title I, Wagner-Peyser and Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) laws. Additionally, federal laws and regulations require procedures for handling complaints alleging violations of nondiscrimination laws

PacMtn fully supports our WorkSource System partners, program operators, staff, clients and customers in their efforts to resolve promptly all disputes at the lowest level possible, as allowable by law.

Customers with disabilities will be provided, upon request and at no cost to them, appropriate accommodations, auxiliary aids and services to file their concern or complaint. Customers who are limited English proficient (LEP) must be provided, upon request and at no cost to them, language assistance services, including oral interpretation and/or written translation to file their concern or complaint, per 29 CFR Part 38.

PacMtn Local EO Officer

Arissa De Lima
Phone: (360) 515-5236
Email: arissa@pacmtn.org

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